Connected Health » Entries tagged with "mobile phone app"
Sleep Champ Android app monitors sleepless kids
Over the past year or so we’ve seen sleep tracking apps and gadgets really come on in leaps and bounds, just check out the Zeo Sleep Manager, the brand’s Sleep 101 app, the Fitbit or devices from Omron. Well now this kind of advanced sleep tracking technology isn’t just being used to ensure us adults get a good night’s sleep, but researchers have designed a new app that helps parents to identify whether their kids are at risk … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mobile Phone Apps
Zeo launches new Sleep 101 app for a better night’s rest
The Zeo sleep management company launched a sleep tracking device and mobile application last year that enabled users to track their sleep and monitor their activity throughout the night in order to get the right amount of rest and feel much more alive and kicking in the morning. However, if you’d rather not invest in a dedicated gadget, Zeo has now brought out a completely free app that provides you with similar results. Just like the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mobile Phone Apps
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