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emWave2 gadget helps you handle stress & feel better

emwave2On our quest to find the best health and fitness gadgets we’ve come across all kinds of devices that measure tangible things, how far have you run? What have you eaten today? Is your blood pressure high? But very few have taken these physical indicators and turned them into a way to look out for our own emotional well-being. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting an Eat Pray Love style retreat or healing crystals, but this week we discovered the emWave 2, a gadget that measures your heart rate in an attempt to calm you down, help you deal with stress and make you feel happier and healthier in the long run.

In simple terms the emWave 2 is designed to help you deal with stress, but employs a number of different ways to help you do that. After all, if it was easy we’d all be floating around and the commute would be a much easier and happier daily activity. The gadget measures your heart rate and gives you a real-time reading of the emotional states you’re going through at any time, we’re not experts but assume this means a super fast heart rate equates to feeling stressed and so on. The aim then is to take this data and teach you how to change it yourself and become more emotionally balanced through a series of exercises.

As you’d expect from a modern day gadget you can tether the emWave 2 to your computer to see live graphs, download data and even play games on your computer that have been specially designed to help you improve your emotional well-being and combat stressful feelings and triggers.

The emWave 2 may seem a little gimmicky to some, but if you’ve been living with stress for a long time and you’ve tried all kinds of other methods something a little different may be very appealing. Even if the methods employed by emWave 2 don’t work for everyone, it’s good to see the device putting the control into the hands of the user and even if you’re not miraculously cured, you’re being forced to address your issues with stress and think about the things in your life that trigger it, which can only be a good thing. Whether you need a pricey gadget for that kind of journey remains to be seen, but it’s good to see emotional stress being taken as seriously as physical illness, because in many ways it can be just as debilitating.

The emWave 2 is available from Amazon for £175.

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One Response to "emWave2 gadget helps you handle stress & feel better"

  1. […] emWave2 gadget helps you handle stress & feel better | Connected .Dec 16, 2011 The gadget measures your heart rate and gives you a real-time reading of the emotional states you're […]

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