Connected Health » Entries tagged with "philips light"
Review: Philips HF3485 wake-up light (and music player and bird tweeter)
Getting up at this time of year is tough – at least if you live in the UK or northern Europe. In London it doesn’t get light until around 7.30am, which isn’t great if your boss likes you to work in the mornings or you have to get out to walk the dog before he pees on the floor! Enter the snappily titled Philips HF3485 wake up light. It’s been designed to help those 2 … Read entire article »
Filed under: Health Gadgets
10 Gadgets to help you stick to your new year’s resolutions
It’s that time of year again, as soon as the nation has finished over-indulging on New Year’s Eve everyone’s thinking about, talking about and trying to stick to their resolutions for the new year. We’ve collected together ten gadgets that’ll help you keep up with your resolutions in the long run, whether you want to work out more, lose some of that Christmas weight or wake up with more energy even when it’s dark and gloomy outside. If … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Features, Fitness Gadgets, Health Gadgets
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