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Connected Health » Mobile Phone Apps » STUDY: People want practical, user-friendly mobile health apps

STUDY: People want practical, user-friendly mobile health apps

cardiio-icon1Well no one can deny there are a LOT of health apps around at the moment, from those that’ll help you record your mood, those that’ll track serious medical issues and those that’ll send alerts back to your GP to tell them how you’re doing. However, new research into the mobile health industry has shown that both smartphone and tablet users who are into keep tabs on their health want apps that’ll help them manage their day to day health and be of service during any medical emergencies.

A new study into the growing world of mobile health, commissioned by Ruder Finn, surveyed 1,200 mobile and tablet users to find out what they’re looking for from health apps in the future. Most wanted to be able to take control of day to day health processes, with 42% of those polled admitting they want to be able to book an appointment with their GP from within an app quickly and simply. 31% also wanted to be able to get test results from an app without having to wait too long, ring up their surgery or book another appointment and finally 30% wanted instant access from their phones to their personal health records in case of emergencies.

Interestingly the research has proven that people are much less concerned with apps that monitor and manage long term health conditions, with only 12% wanting an option to monitor their body, health and even fitness on a daily basis. That’s a pretty small number given how many apps out there are all about tracking and monitoring, but it’s probably because only bigger corporations and the NHS can really give people the main things they want, like access to records and appointments.

These latest stats come from Ruder Finn, a company that’s currently pulling together its inaugural mHealth report, which this year is bound to have a lot of interesting results and recommendations.

Emma Sinden, Head of Corporate & Technology at Ruder Finn, said:

“The primary message of our report is that anyone looking to develop mHealth applications needs to put simplicity and ease of use at the heart of their design. This is nothing new but in healthcare the complex regulatory environment means that the focus can get taken away from the basics. The report suggests that if we want people to actually use the apps that are being built usability has to come first.”

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